Knowledge, Integrity, Honesty, and Transparency

Our uniquely collaborative and passionate people work alongside our clients every step of the way—caring more, and telling it like it is to anticipate and overcome all the barriers to change.

Our Mission
What We Believe

At Bates Capital Group, we create and preserve investor generational wealth by investing in alternative asset classes that we have tested and succeeded in ourselves.  We would never ask a potential joint venture partner to dive into waters we haven’t already tested.  We seek out the investments that present arbitrage opportunities when paired with our knowledge and experience present the best opportunities for near-term cash flow and long-term appreciation.

Our central focus is to reward joint venture partners for trusting us with their hard-earned investment capital.  By providing complete transparency, our partners know exactly where their funds are invested and how they’re being utilized.


Our Partner-Centric Mission Can Be Summed Up Around Four Core Ideas:

Generate Cash Flow for Our Investors

Our investment philosophy revolves around creating a positive cash flow on invested capital. With traditional Wall Street products and with most retirement accounts and 401K plans based on those products, the only hope of wealth accumulation is the future appreciation of assets. We believe the more crucial component of generational wealth accumulation is net positive cash flow.

Protect Investor Principal at All Costs

Rule #1: Don’t lose money. Rule #2: Don’t forget Rule #1. A losing investment sets back wealth accumulation in a portfolio by multiples. We understand this. Mathematically, it takes a larger magnitude gain than the original percentage loss just to break even. That’s because of opportunity cost – the opportunity cost of lost time, time that your money could have been generating a positive return as opposed to recovering from the initial loss. This is why we value your principal and will protect it at all costs.

Invest in Alternative Asset Not Correlated to Wall Street

The alternative asset classes we invest in are largely shielded from Wall Street volatility. Although there may not always be a demand for the next tech IPO, there will always be a need for real estate. Because we make direct investments with our partners, we maintain control at all times, shielding you from the whims of Wall Street.

Complete Transparency

When we embarked on this venture, we made open communication one of our founding pillars. Our intent is to change the paradigm that holds investors hostage to the financial planners and insurance agents who make money even when their clients lose money. Our mission is to provide you with all the information and education you’ll need to make informed decisions alongside our decision-makers. Then when you’re comfortable, you give the thumbs up and we go do the dirty work to provide you a return on your capital.


How We Work:

01 Research Alternative Investments
You have to start somewhere, and the free White Paper on our Resources page can help you learn more about alternative assets and investments. Go over to our About Us page to learn more information about Bates Capital.

02 Complete the Investor Questionnaire
Once you have decided to invest with Bates Capital, complete our confidential Investor Questionnaire so we may learn more about you and ensure we are the perfect fit for your portfolio.

03 Talk with Us
Once you know that alternative investing is the best option for you, schedule an appointment to talk with a member of our team. Contact Us to schedule an appointment.

04 Invest with Bates Capital
After you have completed the Investor Questionnaire, we will contact you with the investment information. Look over our quarterly return rates on the Invest page.

05 Provide Us Feedback
Let us know any concerns or questions you may have on our Investor Relations page. We are always looking for better ways to cater to our investors and to maintain a strong relationship with our clients.
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